
SciFinder Scholar doesn't have full text documents in it. How do I access the full text?

SciFinder only indexes article citations; it doesn’t include the full text of the documents. Here are instructions on how to access the full text in SciFinder.

  1. When in the search results list OR when looking at the record for an individual document, click the “Full Text” link under the abstract of the article.
  2. You will usually see several links: One that says “WMU Article Linker,” one that says “View all Sources,” and one that says “DOI.” The “WMU Article Linker” link allows SciFinder and other databases to which we subscribe to “talk” to each other and look for a full-text version of your article.
  3. The "WMU Article Linker" (when clicked) will take you to a Library Search screen with a small yellow box. That box will read “View Online At” and there will be a link, usually to a specific journal or database. Click on that link.
  4. Usually, this click will take you directly to the article. Sometimes, it will take you to the journal website. If that happens, navigate to the correct volume, issue and page in the journal.
  5. If there is a “DOI” link, clicking on that link will take you to the publisher’s page for that particular article. If you are on campus and we subscribe to that journal, you will be able to access the full text of the article from that page.
  6. If there are no “WMU Article Linker” or “DOI” links, click on “View all Sources.” This will usually show you other link options to investigate for full text access.

There’s one exception to these instructions—instances when the University Libraries does not subscribe to an article database that has the full text of the article you’re interested in. In this case, you’ll need to request an article via Interlibrary Loan.

FAQ Update Info

  • Journals and Articles
  • Answered by: Edward Eckel Last updated: Nov 12, 2024 Views: 179